
Monday, 28 October 2013


Nausea is a sensation of unease and discomfort in the upper stomach with an involuntary urge to vomit. It often, but not always, precedes vomiting. A person can suffer nausea without vomiting.

  • Food poisoning
  • Medications
  • Travelling
  • Vertigo
  • Stress and depression
  • Overeating
  • Ulcers
  • Intoxication
  • Bulimia
  • Allergy
  • Intense pain
  • Medication induced
  • Other illness such as meningitis, appendicitis, brain tumor etc. can also lead to nausea
  • Eat small meals throughout the day instead of three large meals.
  • Eat slowly.
  • Avoid hard-to-digest foods.
  • Rest after eating with your head elevated about 12 inches above your feet.
  • Drink liquids between meals instead of during meals and drink at least six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day to prevent dehydration.
  • Try to eat when you feel less nauseated.
  • Avoid spicy, greasy foods.
  • Don’t smoke.
  • Have breakfast daily. Empty stomach is more prone to nausea.
There are some simple treatments to reduce any discomfort due to nausea and vomiting.

  • One such treatment is, smelling the citrus fruits (lemon). Limonene, an essential oil present in lemon has a refreshing smell, which prevents the onset of nausea.
  • This essential oil is produced in specialized glands found more in the rind of these fruits. It has been found that this essential oil has certain physiological effects.
  • These include brain stimulation, anxiety-relieving sedation and antidepressant properties as well as increasing cerebral blood flow.
  • So it is better to put some lemon essential oil into a handkerchief and keep it in our pocket or hand bag. When we feel a bout of nausea coming on, we should wipe our nose to breathe the essential oil.
  • It is also better to consume little amount of lemon juice. Though lime is acidic in nature, it has an alkalizing effect in our body. It is this nature of lemon which makes it stomach friendly and prevents nausea, heart burns, indigestion and vomiting.
  • Citronella, the essential oil present in the lemon grass imparting the characteristic refreshing aroma, can also prevent nausea and vomiting. Lemon grass tea is an excellent drink and helps to cleanse the bowel and flush out toxins in the system.
  • Lemons contain neutralizing acids in them that help create bicarbonates in the stomach which helps relieve nausea cause by the flu, gas, bloating, heart burn, and upset stomach.
  • The juice of the lemons help get the saliva going in your mouth more which helps relieve nausea as well.
  • The best way to relieve nausea with lemons is either by sucking on pieces of sliced lemon until the nausea is gone, by squeezing some lemon juice in some warm or cold water and sipping on it, adding lemon juice to an herbal tea and sipping on it, or by simply sipping on a lemonade aid with crushed ice throughout it.
  • Do not drink citrus juices as they can cause acidity.
  • One of the most effective foods you can use as an alternative food medicine is ginger root. Ginger root contains substances in it called gingerols and shogaols.
  • These substances help relieve inflammation and digestive discomforts such as gas and upset stomach that can sometimes cause nausea.
  • Ginger also provides a warm soothing sensation to the stomach and helps calm it done so you don't feel so nausea. One of the best ways to take ginger root to help relieve nausea is by making a cup of ginger tea. 
  •  The best time to help ease nausea away with ginger root is on an empty stomach right when you start to feel the nausea feeling coming on.Ginger promotes the secretion of various digestive juices/enzymes that help neutralize stomach acid.
  •  It also contains phenols that relax stomach muscles and act similar to a sedative on irritated stomach tissue, reducing over activity of the stomach.
  • At the same time, the phenols are helping your intestine move digested food and toxins through your system quicker, getting any bad stuff that may be making you feel ill pass faster.
  • Sometimes nausea is caused by dehydration and water is sometimes all we need to cure nausea.
  • Use water to help relieve your nausea is by placing some crushed ice in cup and pouring some water into it and sipping on the ice cold water.
  •  Along with replacing the fluids you lose through vomiting, it is also important to maintain the balance of sodium and potassium (the electrolytes) in your system.
  • If you are unable to keep down food for more than a day or so, have a sports drink, such as Gatorade which is easy on the stomach and designed to replace electrolytes.
  • Peppermint candies and orange candies are also helpful in relieving nausea.
  •  Peppermint provides the stomach with a cooling soothing sensation that helps relieve nausea almost instantly.
  •  However, it does take a couple piece of peppermint candy and peppermint tea to help relieve the nausea, but it does work well.

  • Foods such as bread help in relieving nausea ass they absorb the excess acids present in the stomach.

Happy Eating :-)

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